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Future Man


Beschreibung Diese Geschichte handelt von einem Zukunftsszenario, in dem die Menschen in Raumschiffen leben, da die Erde unbewohnbar geworden ist. Ein Wissenschaftler, der die Zeitreise entdeckt hat, beschließt, in das Jahr 2024 zurückzureisen. Er betritt das Hauptgebäude der Vereinten Nationen und warnt die Politiker vor den langfristigen Auswirkungen der Zerstörung des Regenwaldes. Wird er es schaffen, sie zu überzeugen? This story is about a future scenario where all people live in spaceships since Earth has become uninhabitable. One of them is a scientist who discovered time traveling and decides to travel back in time to the year 2024. He enters a United Nations building and warns politicians from the long-term effects of burning down the rainforest. Will he manage to convince them?

Who Created This Story?

The authors of this story are 11-12 year olds from second grade of BRG Kepler (secondary school). The stories were created in the students’ Biology lessons. After a general introduction about climate change, they were asked to invent their own climate superheroes. These heroes are the protagonists of their digital cartoons about the climate crisis.


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