Change the Story

Hikayelere geri dön

Ein Tier Isches Abenteuer - The greatest adventure


Dies ist eine Geschichte über Viehzucht, in der unser Protagonist beschließt, gegen die Massentierhaltung zu kämpfen. Auf seinem Abenteuer verwandelt er sich selbst in eine Kuh und beschließt, die Rinder zu befreien. Aber nicht jeder ist von dieser Idee begeistert...

This is a story about livestock farming where our protagonist decides to fight against factory farming. On his adventure, he transforms into a cow himself and decides to free the cattle. But not everybody is happy about this idea...

Bu Hikayeyi Kim Yarattı?

The authors of this story are 11-12 year olds from second grade of BRG Kepler (secondary school). The stories were created in the students’ Biology lessons. After a general introduction about climate change, they were asked to invent their own climate superheroes. These heroes are the protagonists of their digital cartoons about the climate crisis.


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