Change the Story

Hikayelere geri dön

Das Müllmeer - The sea of plastic


Beim Schwimmen im Meer stellt unsere Heldin fest, dass das Wasser stark durch Plastikmüll verschmutzt ist. Sie findet das schockierend und beschließt, etwas dagegen zu tun. Also schreibt sie einen Brief an den Präsidenten...

While swimming in the sea, our heroine notices that the water is heavily polluted by plastic garbage. She finds this outrageous and decides to do something against it. So she writes a letter to the president...

Bu Hikayeyi Kim Yarattı?

The authors of this story are 11-12 year olds from second grade of BRG Kepler (secondary school). The stories were created in the students’ Biology lessons. After a general introduction about climate change, they were asked to invent their own climate superheroes. These heroes are the protagonists of their digital cartoons about the climate crisis.


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