Change the Story

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Der neue Freund - The new friend


In dieser Geschichte ist unsere Heldin eine Umweltaktivistin, die am Nordpol stationiert ist. Eines Tages findet sie einen verletzten Eisbären auf einer kleinen Eisfläche und beschließt, dem jungen Tier zu helfen und ihn zu einer Auffangstation zu bringen. Doch plötzlich versucht jemand, sie aufzuhalten...

In this story, our heroine is an environmental activist stationed at the North Pole. One day, she finds a wounded polar bear on a small sheet of ice and decides to help the young animal and bring it to a rescue station. But suddenly, somebody tries to stop her...

Wer hat diese Geschichte erstellt?

The authors of this story are 11-12 year olds from second grade of BRG Kepler (secondary school). The stories were created in the students’ Biology lessons. After a general introduction about climate change, they were asked to invent their own climate superheroes. These heroes are the protagonists of their digital cartoons about the climate crisis.


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