Change the Story

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In dieser Geschichte geht es um einen Jungen, der nach Brasilien reist, um den Regenwald zu sehen. Als er ankommt, ist jedoch nichts so, wie er es erwartet hat. Er sieht, wie der Wald gerodet wird und ist schockiert, dass sich niemand darum zu kümmern scheint. Plötzlich taucht Man of Öko auf und gibt ihm einen Rat...

This story is about a boy traveling to Brazil to see the rainforest. When he arrives, however, nothing is as expected. He sees how the forest is cleared and is shocked that nobody seems to care about it. All of a sudden, Man of Öko appears with some advice...

Wer hat diese Geschichte erstellt?

The authors of this story are 11-12 year olds from second grade of BRG Kepler (secondary school). The stories were created in the students’ Biology lessons. After a general introduction about climate change, they were asked to invent their own climate superheroes. These heroes are the protagonists of their digital cartoons about the climate crisis.


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